Unexpected money scams
Unexpected money scams typically involve someone from overseas offering you a portion of a large sum of money or a payment if you assist them in transferring funds out of their country.
How This Scam Works
A scammer will unexpectedly contact you via email, letter, text message, or social media. They will tell a detailed story about their money being trapped in banks due to events like civil wars or coups, often in countries currently in the news. Alternatively, they may mention a large inheritance that is difficult to access due to government restrictions or taxes in their country. They then promise you a significant amount of money for helping them transfer their fortune out of the country.
Scammers might request your bank account details to facilitate the transfer, using this information to steal your funds later. They could also ask you to pay fees, charges, or taxes to “help release or transfer the money” through your bank. These fees might start small but can increase as they create new charges that need to be paid before you can receive your promised reward. They will continue asking for money as long as you are willing to give it.
You will never receive the money that was promised.
If you have been scammed, our recovery experts can help you reclaim your lost funds. Simply fill out our form for a free consultation, and we will build a customized recovery case for you.